Faux Camera Moves in AE

Hand drawn arrows can communicate much of the details of these camera moves effectively. However, sometimes it is more powerful to show your client or your production team these moves in your animatic. You can emulate many of these camera moves using the various Transforms found in After Effects.

PANNING AND TRUCKING: To reproduce the movement of a camera as it pans across a scene, animate the Position Transform. To reproduce the movement of the camera to emulate a camera trucking alongside of a character, you can draw the character separately and use the technique above to pan acorss the background while leaving the character stationary (on a separate layer) in the center of the frame. As with many of the techniques discussed on this page, you should consider whether you will need to draw the frame separately, at a larger scale or width, to allow you to animate movement across or into the scene.

NOTE: If the intention is that the camera only moves in the horizontal plane, be sure to only modify the X axis.
