Faux Camera Moves in AE

To reproduce the movement of the camera when it pushes into a scene, utilize the Scale Transform. Again you will need to draw any frame that will be scaled up at a larger size. When placing into frame, first scale the drawing down. This will allow you to push into the scene by scaling back up towards 100%.

When creating complex camera move that starts with a PAN and then ZOOMS deeper into the scene, you will need to use another technique that is built around the Anchor Point. Try using the traditional method of Position and Scale to pan across the scene and zoom in. Notice it pulls left, right, up, or down. This is because AE always uses the location of the Anchor Point as the focii of any such move. And you have inadvertently moved the Anchor Point off center.

The transform property of the Anchor Point is handled differently from the other four transforms. Visual editing of this value takes place in the Layer Window of the particular track you wish to edit. To access the Layer Window, double-click on the layer name in the timeline. Right-Click the Layer Tab and choose Undock to be able to also see the results of your edit in the Comp Window.
