Homework for 2/14/24

Follow through with the workflow we explored in class, where we separated the X&Y Position tracks into separate elements.

Use this enhanced control over our bouncing balls - and incorporate additional considerations regarding the 10 Principles of Motion Design, as seen in this 2nd tutorial by JR Canest - create 3 separate bouncing balls with different imagined properties: one is rubber, one is cork, and one is steel. Each of these will hit the ground and bounce very differently. Show us how you would bring each idea to life.

Work with the nested comp work flow explored in class: 1920 x 1080 as the main comp and 200 x 200 as the ball comp. Running time can be between 10 and 20 seconds. Render as per our notes as a H264 mp4. Upload the H264 to your Vimeo account by the start of next week's class.

NOTE: These all should co-exisit in the same comp, running in sequence, one after the other.