

Coursework will consist of homework projects as well as in-lab exercises that will be completed during classtime. Resources will include a required textbook (see the Bilibio page) as well as magazine articles, online blogs, videos, and various online tutorials. Students will be encouraged to seek out examples of illustration work in print and on the screen and bring them in for study and deconstruction in the classroom.


Expect to budget approximately three hours of time for homework exercises each week. This is a real number. Questions on homework assignments can be sent to my e-mail address (posted on the main class page) and will be answered as promptly as possible. I may be able to answer your question in nearly real time. However, other times it might well be hours before I see the query. Keep in mind that I teach an earlier class on Tuesdays and cannot monitor my e-mail in the hours leading up to class. So it is always best to not leave lab work until the day of class in case you need some feedback along the way.


Those students who do not have access to a computer loaded with the current version of Photoshop must schedule lab time in accordance to the procedures listed on the following page. It is not possible to complete the coursework without reliable access to the software to complete homework exercises.