Homework for 1/26/23

Review this week's Class Notes to familiarize yourself with concepts, terms, and definitions relating to the arc of narrative story and how to build a three-act framework.


Look to examples of narrative storytelling and break down the elements of the three-act structure that holds it together. This can be a short animation or a feature film,
but should NOT be a single episode of a serial production.

Take notes and be prepared to discribe to the class the following elements from
the story of your choice:

Act one: Describe the established setting and routine. Identify the Protagonist. Cite the Inciting Incident that sends them off on a their journey. Keep in mind that in short form animation, the First Act may only last for a few seconds before things go south and the journey begins. Does the Protagonist reject the path or are they an Active Protagonist?

Act Two: tell us briefly about the journey and the twist that sets up the final resolution.

Act Three: outline the resolution.

Finally upload a single JPG image relating to the flim you have chosen to the Adrive. This can be a screen cap or a promotional still from the project. Name the image file using your last name.