Motion Graphics Homework 3//20/24

Download this file containing various potential Track Mattes. Need more images to play with? Download this file of 1080p backgrounds. Review the notes on Masking and Track Mattes. Use at least one Masks plus one or more Track Mattes to bring one of the following phrases alive. The Comp size should be 1080p. The length should be approximately 5-8 seconds. Audio elements are optional but encouraged. Remember some of my comments to the class about pacing and delivery. And - once again - try to weave one or more of the 10 principles of animation into your scene:

Hiding in Plain Sight

Going in Deep

Through the Looking Glass

The Turn of a Phrase

Beneath the Surface

MIA (Missing in Action)

Lost and Found

Up From the Depths

(Missing the) Forest for the Trees

Spring is Just Around the Corner

(fill in the subject) is on the Horizon